Moments ago Amber helped me cut open a big bag of kitchen garbage that bytheway was really
smelling. I felt pretty strongly that I should wait until I pitched it that I should search it.
As of Sunday morning ( it is Tuesday afternoon now) we have been on an all out search for Amber's cell phone. At first you know how it is, you look around in the obvious places and keep
thinking it will turn up. That night i got back out of bed with several other places to look. By the next day the search was intensified and we resort to the dismantling of her room. Retrace every step. Try the freezer, the pantry, the entire house. By day three I am losing it and can hardly concentrate on anything else. I must admit that i am alittle ashamed that I prayed for help over something as worldly as this but it was really getting to me. Although I do know that the reason I felt so strongly not to throw away the trash was not just coming from me. I also don't have enough faith because I really didn't think it would be in there. I mean she must have been pretty sleepy to throw away her phone. When she screamed there it is I grabbed it and ran to tell Stephen. Can I just say oh so happy, it is a new phone. And we did remember to say a prayer and say thanks for the help! Sorry, no photo this time of the gross garbage.
Ha ha. Great story and great answer to prayer!
I love this story!
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